Multinational Strategic Foresight of Environmental Trends in the Automobile Industry Using Internal Resources

ab 44,90 

Natalie Wippel

ISBN 978-3-643-90540-6
Band-Nr. 9
Jahr 2014
Seiten 360
Bindung gebunden
Reihe Schriften zur Automobilwirtschaft

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-90540-6 Kategorien: , ,


This book provides an overview of the basics of strategic
foresight, the differences multinational enterprises (MNEs)
have to deal with while working in an international context
and an understanding of the interrelation of strategic
foresight and environmental trends. The results of the study
indicate that it is advantageous for MNEs to use their
internal resources worldwide for strategic foresight during
the first three phases of the strategic foresight process
(SFP); but they have to be aware of possible barriers.