50 Jahre “Wahrheit und Methode”. Fifty years after H.-G. Gadamer’s “Truth and Method”

ab 34,90 

Riccardo Dottori (Hg./Ed.)

Beiträge im Anschluss an H.-G. Gadamers Hauptwerk. Some considerations on H.-G. Gadamer’s main philosophical work

ISBN 978-3-643-90210-8
Band-Nr. 5
Jahr 2012
Seiten 320
Bindung broschiert
Reihe The Dialogue/Das Gespräch/Il Dialogo

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-90210-8 Kategorien: , ,


The turning point occured with Heidegger’s hermeneutics of facticity saw a
great flourishing in Gadamer’s works. Hermeneutics becomes the philosophy
that undermines the scientific parameters of modernity and it looks for an
extrametodica way that leads up to truth through the rediscovery
of the cultural values of our European tradition that is art, taste and
culture but above all, rhetoric, practical philosophy, and that particular
form of judgment called phronesis, which expresses itself in the
understanding of the other and in the dialogue. This sensitivity towards
the values of tradition, which represents the authentic authority since
it’s the consent on which the civil society is based, cannot for Gadamer
withdraw into itself but it must open itself to the intercultural dialogue
as an ethical answer to the challenge of globalization.