Purchased Development: The Irish Republic’s Export-oriented Development Strategy

ab 9,90 

Philipp Fink

With a Preface by Hartmut Elsenhans

ISBN 978-3-8258-7178-9
Band-Nr. 100
Jahr 2004
Seiten 160
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Politikwissenschaft

Artikelnummer: 978-3-8258-7178-9 Kategorien: ,


By analysing the Irish development strategy, this book questions its much portrayed success. The Republic of
Ireland has followed an export-oriented development path, relying on foreign direct investment inflows as the
main development agent. However, this chosen path of development has led to growing industrial, social and
developmental polarisations despite the indisputable impressive overall growth figures. Growth is primarily
driven by the investing multinationals and the inequality of earnings have been exacerbated, thus questioning the
Irish growth model’s success.