Cultures in Bioethics

ab 34,90 

Hans-Martin Sass

ISBN 978-3-643-90755-4
Band-Nr. 40
Jahr 2016
Seiten 260
Bindung gebunden
Reihe Ethik in der Praxis / Practical Ethics – Studien / Studies


Biotopes and Bioethics are highly complex and
adaptable systems of Bios. Individual bios is terminal, but
the stream of Bios goes on. Basic properties of Bios such as
communication and cooperation, competence and competition,
contemplation and calculation, compassion and cultivation
come in different shades of light and dark in individuals
and species, in history and ecology. Hans-Martin Sass
discusses the territories of Bios and Bioethics, based on
his involvement in decades of consulting in academia,
business and politics. Special attention is given to the
vision and role of Bioethics in research and training, in
religious and cultural traditions, and in the survival,
happiness, and health of corporate, social and political

Hans-Martin Sass is Senior Research Scholar
Emeritus at Georgetown University, Washington DC, and
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Ruhr University, Bochum.