Narrating (Hi)stories in West Africa

ab 29,90 

Bea Lundt, Ulrich Marzolph (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-643-90503-1
Band-Nr. 3
Jahr 2015
Seiten 288
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Narrating (Hi)stories. Kultur und Geschichte in Afrika / Culture and History in Africa


In contrast to many other regions of the world, in West
Africa traditional oral narratives are still thriving. While
verbal art is posited in between activities of preservation
and a gradual adaption to the exigencies of modern life,
local and regional researchers are actively engaged in
studying the related processes. In this book West-African
scholars from different disciplines present their research,
discuss current research topics and reflect new perspectives
on narratives in and about West Africa. Their challenging
studies provide new perspectives on the state of narrative
culture and related research in contemporary West Africa.

Bea Lundt is Professor for History at the
Europe-University of Flensburg (Germany) and a Visiting
Professor at the University of Education Winneba (Ghana).

Ulrich Marzolph is a professor of Islamic studies at the
University of Göttingen, Germany, and a senior member of the
editorial committee of the Enzyklopädie des
Märchens. He is currently serving as president of the
International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR).