Practical theology and the interpretation of crossing boundaries

ab 20,90 

Bert Roebben, Leo van der Tuin (eds.)

Essays in honour of Professor M.P.J. van Knippenberg

ISBN 978-3-8258-6617-3
Band-Nr. 52
Jahr 2003
Seiten 320
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Theologie

Artikelnummer: 978-3-8258-6617-3 Kategorien: ,


In October 2002 the Tilburg Professor of Practical Theology,
Tjeu van Knippenberg, retired. In order to honour him as a
bright scholar in the field of fundamental practical
theology and pastoral care, 23 of his colleagues at Tilburg
University and elsewhere (Nijmegen and Leuven) contributed
to this Festschrift. Their attention is focused on the
concept of boundaries in practical theology: between context
and Christian tradition, church and society, personal
identity and Christian narrative, individual and community.
Different research projects out of the Tilburg tradition of
practical theology are presented from an
empirical-hermeneutical perspective.