Moving Images – Mobile Viewers: 20th Century Visuality

ab 19,90 

Renate Brosch (Ed.)

ISBN 978-3-643-11164-7
Band-Nr. 20
Jahr 2011
Seiten 256
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Kultur und Technik. Schriftenreihe des Internationalen Zentrums für Kultur- und


Vision and movement seem to have shifted centre stage in modes of
experience in the last century: as a result of their joint effect slow
contemplative gazes at static images seem to be increasingly displaced by
distracted, „vernacular“ ways of seeing. Looking out of the window of a
speeding car, receiving photographs of planet earth from outer space,
watching the flickering images of the TV screen, scrolling through a text,
zooming in on a location in Google Earth, or sending images via mobile
phones or webcams – all these are unique visual experiences that were
impossible before various inventions in the 20 th century originated
completely new kinds of movement.

The double meaning of „moving images“ is meant to signal the specificality
of motion to these imagi(ni)ngs and at the same time to express the
emotional power of those visual images which are able to transcend the
constant stream of images in contemporary perception.

With contributions by Renate Brosch, Winfried Fluck, Laura Bieger,
Wolf-Dieter Ernst, Christof Decker, Martin Klepper, Elfi Bettinger, Julika Griem, Hans Ulrich Seeber,
Nicola Glaubitz, Ronja Tripp, Guido Isekenmeier, Nina Jürgens, Wolfgang