Security Sector Reform in Challenging Environments

ab 24,90 

Hans Born, Albrecht Schnabel (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-643-80013-8
Jahr 2009
Seiten 288
Bindung gebunden
Reihe DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-80013-8 Kategorien: , ,


More often than not Security Sector Reform (SSR) takes place against many
odds, in barely enabling political, security, economic and social
environments. Such difficult contexts may be characterised by widespread
corruption, ongoing violence, imprecise, open-ended or non-inclusive peace
agreements and post-conflict architectures, lack of resources, ‚`stolen“ or
impending elections or referenda – all circumstances that stand in the way
of full-fledged, holistic and sustainable SSR efforts. Following an
overview of ‚`ideal“ SSR requirements, contrasted with typical obstacles
inhibiting SSR efforts, the main body of this volume offers evidence-based
analyses of positive and negative SSR records in barely enabling
environments, drawing on the experiences of specific national and
international SSR programmes and experiences in Africa, the Americas, Asia
and Europe. Lessons learned from these experiences are intended to feed
into theoretical re-thinking of SSR policy frameworks as well as to help
practitioners in designing and implementing effective and sustainable SSR
in challenging environments.