Aldous Huxley: Modern Satirical Novelist of Ideas

ab 29,90 

Jerome Meckier

edited by Peter Firchow and Bernfried Nugel

ISBN 978-3-8258-9668-4
Band-Nr. 8
Jahr 2006
Seiten 408
Bindung broschiert
Reihe „Human Potentialities“. Studien zu Aldous Huxley & zeitgenössischer Kultur


The essays on Aldous Huxley collected here were written between 1966 and 2005 and have been arranged by their author in such a way that they approximate a book on Huxley as a modern satirical novelist of ideas. In this capacity, Huxley assessed the intellectual condition of his era, always excoriating folly but never losing sight of human potentialities, especially his own. Huxley’s ingrained skepticism persisted into his later fictions, even after his conception of the nature of things improved. The amused and highly amusing Pyrrhonic aesthete turned into a Swiftian Prospero. Detached yet totally committed to bettering the human condition, Huxley epitomized the dedicated craftsman. This lifelong aesthetician, always a philosopher, continues to command attention as thinker, critic, and artist: both satirist and sage.

Jerome Meckier, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Kentucky, is the author of several books, particularly on Huxley and Dickens, and co-editor of Aldous Huxley Annual. The publication of this book is intended to honor him on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday.