Health and Quality of Life

ab 25,90 

Antje Gimmler, Christian Lenk, Gerhard Aumüller (Ed.)

Philosophical, Medical, and Cultural Aspects

ISBN 978-3-8258-5739-5
Band-Nr. 9
Jahr 2002
Seiten 224
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Ethik in der Praxis / Practical Ethics – Kontroversen / Controversies


How could one define health and disease? On what
presuppositions, and ought we look for such definitions?
Does quality of life inherit a subjective or objective
evaluation? Are health and quality of life culture dependent
concepts? Under the conditions of technologically advanced
medicine and the common tendency towards a hedonistic
lifestyle such questions come into focus. Hence, one
question is of special relevance: which role does health
play in our quality of life? The contributions of this
interdisciplinary volume aim at the clarification of the
various concepts in use. Internationally well-known scholars
and scientists such as Alfred Musschenga, Alfons Labisch,
Lennart Nordenfeit, Peter Janich, Henrik Wulff and several
others outline the framework for a more comprehensive and
demanding concept of health and quality of life including
philosophical and cultural aspects as well as medical and
psychological dimensions.

Antje Gimmler, Associate Professor for Social Theory
at the University of Aalborg, Denmark.

Christian Lenk, Research Assistant at the
Department for Ethics and History of Medicine at the University of
Goettingen, Germany.

Gerhard Aumüller, Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Acting Chairman,
Emil von Behring-Library for Ethics and History of Medicine,
Philipps-University Marburg, Germany.