Networks of Culture

ab 19,90 

Stefan Kramer, Peter Ludes (Eds.)

For Professors Winfried Nöth (born September 12, 1944) and Otthein Herzog (born September 25, 1944): two pioneers in semiotics and visual information processing

ISBN 978-3-643-10163-1
Band-Nr. 2
Jahr 2010
Seiten 264
Bindung broschiert
Reihe The World Language of Key Visuals.

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-10163-1 Kategorien: , ,


How can we re-conceptualize culture specific and trans-cultural networks
for recent phases of globalization? Which role play visual symbolic
networks in historic perspective and in their recent, most prominent
example, namely the Olympic Summer Games of Beijing in 2008? Scholars
from Brazil, China, India, Israel, Japan, Germany, and the United
States, from the humanities and social sciences, have worked together to
answer these questions: Networks of Culture, re-loaded, supplement and
frame the economic, technological, ecological, and political networks.
The accompanying website
offers numerous examples for Key Visuals and their networks.

Volume 1 of this book series was translated into Portuguese and Chinese.

Peter Ludes, Professor of Mass Communication/Integrated
Social Sciences at the Jacobs University Bremen. Member of the core
group of the European Science Foundation’s Program „Changing Media –
Changing Europe“ (2001 – 2004) and Speaker (since 2003) of a research
initiative on the intercultural comparison of key visuals, including
members from Brazil, China, Germany, the UK and the United States.