Women as Agents of Democratisation

ab 24,90 

Faith Kihiu

The Role of Women’s Organisations in Kenya (1990-2007)

ISBN 978-3-643-10342-0
Band-Nr. 61
Jahr 2010
Seiten 248
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Demokratie und Entwicklung

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-10342-0 Kategorien: , , ,


The study following a gendered approach, presents a descriptive analysis
of the role women’s organisations have played in the democratisation
process in Kenya since the pre-colonial era. Supported by this historical
analysis, an indepth study of five political women organisations in Kenya
is presented, in which organisations‘ structure, programs, and strategic
approach to political participation presented by the new available spaces
after the introduction of a multiparty state in 1992 are illustrated.

Faith Kihiu specializes on issues regarding Gender and Development in
Kenya. She studied Political Science, Sociology and Economics at the
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University, Frankfurt/Germany