The Europeanization of Control

ab 24,90 

Petra Bendel, Andreas Ette, Roderick Parkes (Eds.), in collaboration with Marianne Haase

Venues and Outcomes of EU Justice and Home Affairs Cooperation

ISBN 978-3-643-10570-7
Band-Nr. 10
Jahr 2011
Seiten 288
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Politik, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft in einer globalisierten Welt /


The transfer of sovereignty from the member states to the European Union
in decisions about migration and asylum, justice and order has been one of
the most surprising task expansions in the European project. This book
sheds light on these extraordinarily dynamic institutional developments
and the resulting policy outcomes.

Comprising both conceptual and empirical contributions, the volume asks
whether established theoretical schools of thought still hold true or
whether the institutional conditions induced by the Lisbon Treaty have led
to new modes of interaction and given weight to rival explanations.

PD Dr. Petra Bendel is the Managing Director of the Center for Area
Studies at Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Andreas Ette, MSc. is a Senior Researcher at the Federal Institute for
Population Research in Wiesbaden.

Dr. Roderick Parkes works as Head of Brussels Office of the German
Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP).

Marianne Haase, M.A., is a Research Associate at the Federal Office for
Migration and Refugees, Nuremberg.