„Contra Legem“ – a Matter of Conscience

ab 19,90 

Ida Raming, Iris Müller

Our Lifelong Struggle for Human Rights for Women in the Roman-Catholic Church. Autobiographies, Background Papers, Documents, Future Prospects

ISBN 978-3-643-10986-6
Band-Nr. 15
Jahr 2010
Seiten 296
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Theologische Orientierungen / Theological Orientations


Two female German theologians bear witness to their lifelong struggle for
a groundbreaking reform of the position of women in the Roman Catholic
Church. Ever since Vatican Council II they have been committed to a
renewed church where women may use their talents in ordained ministry to
serve the people of God. They describe the gender discrimination they
faced in acquiring their theological educations, the courageous steps they
have taken in recent years to respond to their priestly callings and to
help other gifted women do the same.

These are two intertwined autobiographies, enriched by an appendix with
noteworthy historic documents from the 1960’s to the present day,
including correspondence with Professors Joseph Ratzinger and Karl Rahner.

Ida Raming, RC theologian (Dr. theol.), author of numerous books and
articles. In June 2002, she was ordained a priest and in 2006, she was
ordained a bishop in the International Movement Roman Catholic Women Priests
(RCWP). She is spokeswoman for the German section of RCWP.

Iris Müller, RC theologian (Dr. theol.), author of several books and
articles. In June 2002, she was ordained a priest. She is member of the
International Movement RCWP.