Park Youth in Vienna

ab 24,90 

Danila Mayer

A Contribution to Urban Anthropology

ISBN 978-3-643-50253-7
Band-Nr. 30
Jahr 2011
Seiten 216
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Kulturwissenschaft / Cultural Studies / Estudios Culturales / Études Culturelles


Young urbanites in Vienna who spend most of their leisure time in public
neighborhood parks come forward in this study. Their daily lives and their
fragmented prospects are shown. The book develops a general view on growing up in cities into an in-depth
representation of youth. Music as a medium of expression and resistance
forms the bass-line of the study. Anthropological fieldwork, youth work
backgrounds, and bits from Chicago, London and Paris show a mosaic of
coming of age under conditions of global migration and inequality.

The author is an anthropologist and writer, and sometimes works with
video. She publishes on youth, cities, and contemporary art, and lives in