Security Sector Governance in Francophone West Africa: Realities and Opportunities

ab 24,90 

Alan Bryden, Boubacar N’Diaye (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-643-80109-8
Jahr 2011
Seiten 296
Bindung gebunden
Reihe DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-80109-8 Kategorien: , ,


Experience shows that successful democratic transitions need to be
underpinned by a security sector that is effective, well managed and
accountable to the state and its citizens. This is why it is so important
to carefully examine security sector governance dynamics in contexts where
security has often remained a ‚reserved domain‘. Understanding the issues
and perspectives that divide political elites, the security sector and
citizens is the only way to develop security sector reform programmes that
are legitimate and sustainable at the national level. Through drawing on
the close contextual knowledge of practitioners, researchers and diverse
local actors, this volume supports this goal by analysing security sector
governance dynamics in each of the nine Francophone countries within West
Africa. From this basis, strengths and weaknesses are analysed, local
capacities evaluated, and entry points identified to promote democratic
security sector governance in the West African region.