African multilingualism and the Agenda 2030 / Multilinguisme africain et l’Agenda 2030

ab 34,90 

Djouroukoro Diallo, Thomas Bearth (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-643-80281-1
Band-Nr. 15
Jahr 2022
Seiten 326
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Schweizerische Afrikastudien – Etudes africaines suisses


The UN Agenda 2030 read as an expression of a
commitment to predefined goals, raises the question of a
link, between failure to provide for needs of linguistic
inclusion on the one hand and lingering deficits of adhesion
on the other. Stated as a key factor for implementation
sensitivity to language diversity correlates positively with
inclusivity and sustainability, as this volume explains
through case studies ranging from agriculture to health,
education, human rights and ecology, and from digital
inclusion to translation and science, thus enabling
comparative advantages to turn language barriers into
interfaces for `glocal’ development.

Djouroukoro Diallo is Postdoctoral Researcher
and Lecturer for Applied Linguistics at the Center for the
Study of Language and Society (CSLS), Walter Benjamin Kolleg
at the University of Bern.

Thomas Bearth is Professor Emeritus in General African
Linguistics at the University of Zurich.