Equal Access to Justice for All and Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Agenda: Challenges for Latin America and Europe

ab 29,90 

Helen Ahrens, Horst Fischer, Verónica Gómez, Manfred Nowak (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-643-80289-7
Band-Nr. 22
Jahr 2019
Seiten 396
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Studies on Effective Multilateralism for Sustainable Development


The book provides an extensive overview of
and current implementation of Goal 16 of the Sustainable
Development Goals in Latin America and Europe. Based on
discussions at the GIZ-EIUC conference in Venice of May
2017, the book offers new insights into specifically Goal
16.3 from a Latin American and European perspective. Current
challenges to access to justice before the European and the
Inter-American Courts of Human Rights as well as common and
different challenges to the European and Inter-American
Human Rights systems are assessed. Based on the foundational
work of the GIZ-DIRAJus project in Latin America specific
challenges of access to justice in Mexico, Peru, Brazil, El
Salvador and Chile are comprehensively examined. The issues
identified in the book based on Latin American and European
efforts in ensuring access to justice offer guidance in what
way additional indicators for Goal 16.3 could be developed.

Helen Ahrens, Dr. Jur., project manager of
the supranational project „International Regional Law and
Access to Justice in Latin America (DIRAJus)“ based in
Costa Rica and funded by the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Horst Fischer, Professor of International Humanitarian Law,
Leiden University, Adjunct Professor at Columbia University,
New York, former President of European Inter-University
Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC), Venice.

Ver’onica G’omez, Director for Education and Research of the
Latin American Programme on Human Rights and Democratisation
(CIEP-UNSAM, Buenos Aires) of the Global Campus of Human
Rights. Chair of the Global Campus Council.

Manfred Nowak, Secretary General of the European
Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation
(EIUC), Venice. Professor of International Human Rights at
the University of Vienna.