Compassion for one another in the Global Village

ab 34,90 

Ulrike Elsdörfer, Takaaki David Ito (Eds.)

Social and cultural approaches to care and counselling

ISBN 978-3-643-90723-3
Band-Nr. 4
Jahr 2016
Seiten 172
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Pastoral Care – Spirituality – Interculturality / Seelsorge und Spiritualität interkulturell


The International Council on Pastoral Care and
Counselling (ICPCC) met in October 2015 in San Francisco for
its 10th International Congress.

Recent results from worldwide projects underlined the
importance of an exchange within the globalized network.
Interreligious encounters in Spiritual Care and Counselling
led to new insights, aspects of social justice brought along
new challenges. Technology and Internet Communication opened
a space for new reflections in the realm of spiritual

This volume presents documents from a joint meeting of ICPCC
with American organizations for Pastoral Care and
Counselling. It shows the enduring process of formation of a
worldwide community of spiritual counsellors.