
Transcultural Challenge of Medicine

ab 24,90 

Artur Broclawski, Solmaz Golsabahi-Broclawski (Eds.) Marianne Kastrup, Ibrahim Özkan, Hans Rohlof, Ron Wintrob (Co-Eds.)

First International Conference on Transcultural Psychiatry in Central European Countries

ISBN 978-3-643-90744-8
Band-Nr. 7
Jahr 2016
Seiten 184
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Schriftenreihe zur transkulturellen Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik


Europe is experiencing one of the most significant influxes
of migrants and refugees in its history. Pushed by civil war
and terror and pulled by the promise of a better life,
hundreds of thousands of people have fled the Middle East
and Africa, risking their lives along the way. More than a
million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015,
sparking a crisis as countries struggle to cope with the
influx, and creating division in the EU over how best to
deal with resettling people.The vast majority arrived by sea
but some migrants have made their way over land, principally
via Turkey and the Balkan countries.

In a rapidly changing world, psychiatry faces numerous
challenges. In response to these rapid societal changes,
psychiatry needs to be prepared to meet the challenges of
migration, acculturative change and acculturative stressors.
Transcultural psychiatry focuses on the study of all these
phenomena. In a rapidly changing world, the culture of
psychiatry itself is also changing, from a more medically
constricted perspective to a more inclusive scientific
approach integrating the perspectives of the social
sciences, public health and public policy, along with
medicine and its related clinical disciplines.