In times of globalisation, locally rooted co-operatives
become more important. With transparent structures,
member-support, and the mandate of member-promotion, they
can build on trust of their members in self-elected
leadership and in the system. Being part of an integrated
co-operative system, co-operatives can combine advantages of
closeness to members with benefits of large scale
The present book combines experience of three specialists
from the fields of economic and agrarian policy, law of
organisations and business administration, all having
thorough knowledge of co-operative theory and practice. It
shows how „Our Co-op“ is functioning and what co-operators
should know about their organisation.
The authors are Profes. emeriti of three
different Universities: W. U. Grosskopf, University of
Hohenheim; Hans-H. Münkner, University of Marburg and G.
Ringle, University of Hamburg. They are all former directors
of research centres for co-operative studies.