China’s Interaction with the World

ab 24,90 

Jens Damm, Mechthild Leutner, Niu Dayong (Eds.)

Historical and Contemporary Aspects

ISBN 978-3-643-90960-2
Band-Nr. 49
Jahr 2017
Seiten 160
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Berliner China-Hefte – Chinese History and Society


The rapidly changing role of China – once an isolated
pariah state, now a G-20 member and an emerging superpower
in Asia and beyond – is one of the factors to be considered
in any conceptualization of the current state of global
affairs. The articles in this issue offer preliminary
insights into the expansive topic of China’s diversified
economic, political and cultural interactions with the
world. U.S. policies towards Tibet during the Cold War
period are examined as well as current global Chinese
business networks, China’s foreign policy in the 21st
century, and the developing relations between China and the
five Central Asian states.

Jens Damm is an Associate Professor at Chang
Jung University, Tainan. He is currently leading a
three-year research project at the Oriental Institute of the
Czech Academy of Sciences.

Mechthild Leutner is Professor emerita of Modern Chinese
History and Culture at Freie Universität Berlin.

Niu Dayong is a Professor of the History Department, Peking
University. His research is mainly focused on the
interactions between China and foreign powers in recent