Compassion – A Pastoral Paradigm for Integral Salvation and the Growth of the Church

ab 34,90 

Edwin Ikechukwu Ozioko

ISBN 978-3-643-91101-8
Band-Nr. 39
Jahr 2019
Seiten 312
Bindung gebunden
Reihe Theologie und Praxis

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-91101-8 Kategorien: , , ,


Compassion is the dynamic force of all pastoral engagement.
Without it, Salvation is impossible. With it, the salvation
of the human person both spiritually and materially is
assured. It is a deep natural, philosophical, theological
and religious value. The proper assimilation of this value
with all its implications, marks a turning point in one’s
life. It opens up one, not only to love and to be loved, but
also to see things, not as they are, but as they should be.
It marks one’s entry into the crusade of the
universal-pastor-hood; a heart-driven crusade that abhors
all forms of exploitation and abuses. A crusade of
socio-political wellbeing realized through politics of

Edwin Ikechukwu Ozioko, Dr. theol., is a
Catholic Priest of Nsukka Diocese of Nigeria. He studied in
Nigeria and Germany (2010 – 2016). He obtained his
doctorate in Pastoral Theology from the University of
Muenster, Germany. Presently he is working in the Diocese
of Regensburg, Germany.