
People of Gamo Gofa

ab 54,90 

Helmut Straube

Translation of the German publication Westkuschitische Völker Süd-Äthiopiens (1963)

ISBN 978-3-643-91317-3
Band-Nr. 7
Jahr 2020
Seiten 504
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Southern Ethiopian Studies at the Frobenius Institute


„People of Gamo Gofa“ is an amended and translated edition
of the German publication „Westkuschitische Völker
Süd-Äthiopiens“ from 1963. The book features the results
of research expeditions to Ethiopia in 1950 – 52 and
1954/55. The main focus is on today’s Gamo Gofa region with
ethnographic descriptions of the Dorse, Gamo, Sala and

Helmut Straube (1923 – 84) was professor
and hold the chair at the Institute of Anthropology and
African Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University