Erosion of Reality by Spatialisation and Digitalisation

ab 54,90 

Pieter Brabers

A phenomenological inquiry

ISBN 978-3-643-91355-5
Band-Nr. 3
Jahr 2021
Seiten 496
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Philosophy and Psychology in Dialogue / Philosophie und Psychologie im Dialog


This book offers an innovative view of everyday reality. It clarifies how the spatial dimension of reality,
as well as our personal and inter-personal perception and interaction with reality, aggravates human separateness
at the expense of human connectedness. It shows how many urgent societal challenges are affected by an imbalance
between spatial and the non-spatial aspects, and offers an analysis of the impoverishment of society, both in
spatial terms (spatialisation) and in informational terms (digitalisation). Drawing on insights from quantum
physics and depth psychology, it proposes an unorthodox view of the potential of humans, and of reality in
itself, that was lost in this impoverishment.

„I found this book hugely interesting, highly original and very well written. I haven’t come across these
ideas presented in quite this way, and so the book could be considered a groundbreaking contribution“

Dr Stephan Harding, Resident Ecologist Schumacher College, Author of ‚Animate Earth‘.

„It rarely happens that we are invited by a scholarly text to look at reality in a basically different way
than the one we are used to, at least in a way that is seductive and compelling at the same time. But this
is precisely what the text of Pieter Brabers has done with me.“

Dr John Rijsman, Emeritus Professor of Social Psychology, Tilburg University.

„Pieter Brabers’ monumental treatise draws our attention
to possibly the key problem that underlies all our problems: the way we construct reality. Brabers opens
the way to a better reality-construction, and understanding this form could highlight, even if not necessarily
immediately resolve, the problems generated by our „faulty reality“ – as he calls it. I recommend this book
to all serious students of the disconnect that marks the fault of the contemporary view of the world.“

Dr Ervin Laszlo, author of „The Akasha Paradigm“

Pieter Brabers (1944) studied Architecture and worked as a Lecturer at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
He has lived for the last 20 years in the south of Spain.