Drama in Foreign Language Education

ab 24,90 

Christiane Lütge, Max von Blanckenburg (Eds.)

Texts and Performances

ISBN 978-3-643-91469-9
Band-Nr. 7
Jahr 2021
Seiten 192
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Fremdsprachendidaktik in globaler Perspektive


Drama pedagogy has been undergoing considerable changes over the last few years. The diversification of dramatic
texts and performative practices – both analogue and digital – impacts on foreign language education and requires
new forms of literacies for teachers and learners. This volume brings together papers that theorize and
investigate current teaching perspectives at the nexus of drama-oriented and performative teaching and foreign
language education.

Christiane Lütge holds the Chair of Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the University of Munich.
Her research interests include digital literacy and literary learning as well as inter- and transcultural
learning and global citizenship education in EFL.

Max von Blanckenburg is postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Teaching English as a Foreign Language at
the University of Munich. His research centres on the role and potential of rhetoric in foreign language
education, on literary and performative teaching as well as on digital literacies.