Pioneering Female Foreign Correspondents obtain 20th Century Pulitzer Prizes

ab 24,90 

Heinz-Dietrich Fischer

Winners and Works of the Coveted International Reporting Awards 1937-2000

ISBN 978-3-643-91662-4
Band-Nr. 42
Jahr 2024
Seiten 276
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Pulitzer Prize Panorama


This volume presents biographical information and award-winning works by American
women journalists earning the coveted Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. It
took about two decades after the establishment of the awards that the first female was
decorated with this honor. Based on the jury reports of the prize-giving committees, it
is documented in this book how the discussions within the judges went until decisions
about winners were reached.

Heinz-Dietrich Fischer, EdD, PhD, is Professor Emeritus
at the Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany.