Knowing God in Light

ab 29,90 

Nichifor Tănase, Marius Portaru, Daniel Lemeni (eds.)

Theophany and Language

ISBN 978-3-643-91663-1
Band-Nr. 23
Jahr 2024
Seiten 314
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Forum Orthodoxe Theologie

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The fall of Communism in Eastern Europe opened up a new future—for theology, too, not least in Romania, perhaps of all Orthodox nations the most open to the West. Young Romanian Orthodox theologians seized the opportunity to study and research in the West, availing themselves of mentors and resources hitherto denied them; some have settled in the West, others returned home. This welcome volume displays a theological revival as young Romanian theologians draw on tradition and address new problems. We can discern here a welcome confidence in the Orthodox tradition, no longer on the defensive nor concerned to mark itself off from the theology of the ‘West’. It is a ‘generous Orthodoxy’ (a term that has been used of the theological approach of the late Metropolitan Kallistos), ready to share its treasures with other Christians and eager to learn from them and engage with them.

Archpriest Andrew Louth FBA, DD, Professor Emeritus, Durham University