
Quality of Life

ab 24,90 

Anna Jank-Humann, Diana zu Hohenlohe, Reinhold Popp (Eds.)

Multidisciplinary Perspectives

ISBN 978-3-643-91674-7
Band-Nr. 9
Jahr 2024
Seiten 172
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Zukunftswissenschaft/Zukunftsforschung

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-91674-7 Kategorien: , ,


Quality of Life is a term that is now widely recognized across many scientific disciplines and areas of research, encompassing perspectives on the past, the analysis of the present and prospective forecasts. Just as the research fields that adopt this concept are diverse, so too are the definitions and applications of the term Quality of Life. This diversity suggests the need for a fundamental, multidisciplinary engagement with the topic.

The present book compiles the perspectives of various disciplines on the topic of Quality of Life. This includes contributions from the multidisciplinary cooperative project Research Center for Global Risk & Quality of Life at the Sigmund Freud University, as well as the Department of Environmental and Energy Process Engineering at Montanuniversität Leoben. Selected contributions from the fields of psychotherapy science, philosophy, psychoanalytic-ethnological disaster research, law, sociology, social sciences, future studies and work-life research are presented.