Leonard Stöckel – Teacher of Hungary

ab 39,90 

Katarína Valčová, Michal Valčo

ISBN 978-3-643-91701-0
Band-Nr. 37
Jahr 2025
Seiten 526
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Theology East – West: European Perspectives / Theologie Ost – West: Europäische Perspektiven


“Leonard Stöckel – Teacher of Hungary” offers the first comprehensive English translation and analysis of key writings by one of the most influential figures of the Lutheran Reformation in Central Europe. Known as the “Praeceptor Hungariae” (Teacher of Hungary), Leonard Stöckel (1510-1560) shaped the religious and educational landscape of 16th-century Upper Hungary through his distinctive integration of Lutheran theology with humanist educational principles. This volume presents English translations of Stöckel’s major works related to catechesis and religious pedagogy, including his recently rediscovered Catechism (1556), the Confessio Pentapolitana (1549), and selected portions of his sermons and school regulations. The accompanying analysis reveals Stöckel’s sophisticated synthesis of faith and learning (pietas docta) and his lasting influence on Protestant education and theology in Central Europe. Essential reading for scholars of Reformation studies, historical theology, and educational history, this volume illuminates how Stöckel’s integration of Lutheran orthodoxy with humanist learning shaped Protestant intellectual culture in Central Europe.


This scholarly edition provides:

  • First complete English translations of Stöckel’s key writings
  • Detailed historical context and theological analysis
  • New insights into Reformation education and catechesis
  • Critical examination of his theological method and humanist pedagogy

Essential reading for scholars of Reformation studies, historical theology, and educational history, this volume illuminates how Stöckel’s integration of Lutheran orthodoxy with humanist learning shaped Protestant intellectual culture in Central Europe.


Prof. Dr. Michal Valčo, PhD. is a professor at the Department of Church History, Evangelical Lutheran Theological Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.