The History of the Church

ab 25,90 

Guy Bedouelle

ISBN 978-3-8258-4853-1
Band-Nr. 1
Jahr 2003
Seiten 320
Bindung broschiert

Artikelnummer: 978-3-8258-4853-1 Kategorien: , ,


The aim of this book is as modest as it is ambitious. It sees itself booth
as a manual of the history of the church, and as an essay. The manual is
of service to the students of theology and at the same time lays open to
them the problems linked to the subject of their studies. The first and
foremost aim of the book however is to offer an overall view of the 2000
years of the history of the Catholic Church and the other Christian
denominations. It is the history of hights and failures, of incidents an
devents as reactions to the different challanges to the faith and the
It is the story of breakdowns leading to new starts, of conversions and
continous building up, and this gives the story ist particular rhythm,
against which the believer always tries to separate the wheat from the
chaff, as a means to discover the finger of God, who writes in the sand of
history. From that point of view the book is an essay in the true sense of
the word.