Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change (NICCOS)

The Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change are published by
the Nijmegen Interdisciplinary Centre for Development and Cultural Change
( This Centre was established in 1989 by the Board of Governors of
the Radboud University Nijmegen in order to stimulate and co-ordinate
research and related activities in the above mentioned field of enquiry.
The Centre gathers scholars from a wide range of disciplines such as
Anthropology and Development Studies; Geography, Planning and
Environmental Studies; Arabic and Islamic Studies; World Christianity and
Inter-religious Relations; International Health and Public Health; and
Gender Studies.

Herausgegeben von: Prof. Dr. Frans Wijsen, Dr. André van der Ven, Prof. Dr. Eelke de Jong, Prof. Dr. Toon van Meijl


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