Teaching the Holocaust by Inquiry

ab 34,90 

Elizabeth Krasemann

Foreword by Michael Berenbaum

ISBN 978-3-643-91382-1
Band-Nr. 3
Jahr 2021
Seiten 456
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Geschichtsdidaktik

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-91382-1 Kategorien: , , ,


Noted Holocaust historian Michael Berenbaum writes, “The Holocaust raises important questions and resists easy answers.” This book offers a six-stage, student centered inquiry-based pedagogy that addresses complex questions and invites construction of complicated answers. Why the Jews? Why were there so many followers? Did the Jews resist? Each of the twenty-three inquiries presented in the book centers on an essential question and includes pedagogical strategies, compelling sources, and multiple suggestions to assess student learning.

Elizabeth Krasemann has been a dedicated history teacher and Holocaust educator for 25 years. In her classes, her pedagogy centers on inquiry-based teaching and she has received several awards for this.