What is the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT)? What can be its
beneficial impact on life in all its aspects, on education, and on research at the beginning of the 21st century? – Nine contributions, written by scholars from Asia,
Europe, North and South America, show that the CIT is by no means a
traditionalist reaction to a secular, globalized world. Addressing
contemporary economical, social, managerial, educational, religious,
philosophical, and theological issues, at a local or global level, they
also draw on the Judeo-Christian heritage as it has been and is still
preserved, transmitted, and developed in the Catholic Church. They show
that the CIT is a powerful, creative imagination able to make a life fostering
difference in today’s world.
Jean Ehret, Dr. phil. (French language and literature), Dr. theol.,
Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor Sacred Heart University
Erwin Möde, Dr. theol. habil., Lic. psych., Professor for Christian
Spirituality and Homiletics (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt),
Clinical Psychologist.