Regulating Telecommunications in the EU and China: What Lessons to be Learned?

ab 24,90 

Bernd Holznagel, Xu Junqi, Thomas Hart (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-643-10277-5
Band-Nr. 16
Jahr 2009
Seiten 304
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Arbeitsberichte zum Informations-, Telekommunikations- und Medienrecht


Chinese as well as European regulatory decisions need to consider regional
particularities but insist on an implementation system that never loses
sight of its goal. In the area of electronic communications policy, this
goal is the establishment of a market environment that ensures innovation,
high quality and affordable prices. The present survey aims at improving
the process of knowledge exchange between European and Chinese experts and
decision-makers in Information Society law and policy. The EU-China
Information Society Project asked the authors to assess both the EU’s and
the Chinese status quo, and to bring together both perspectives together
in a joint effort to learn from the EU experiences for the Chinese
decision-making process today.