Media System and News Selection in Namibia

ab 19,90 

Andreas Rothe

ISBN 978-3-643-11194-4
Band-Nr. 1
Jahr 2010
Seiten 224
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Lingener Lektüren zum Kommunikationsmanagement – Studentische Exzellenz-Arbeiten


What is the status quo of the Namibian media system? What radio and TV
stations, what newspapers and magazines compete for the attention of the
Namibian citizen? What is the situation regarding press freedom and the
formal education prospective journalists receive?

How do Namibian journalists select news? Is the so far European-focused
News Value Theory a sensible explanatory approach for that? How does news
selection differ from Namibia to Germany, from private to state media in
Namibia, from print to broadcasting?

These are some of the central issues Andreas Rothe addresses in this
English language version of his diploma thesis. It is the first of a
series of excellent dissertations published by the Institut für
Kommunikationsmanagement in Lingen.