A tool for supporting economic policy-making in the former Yugoslavia

ab 29,90 

Klaus Weyerstraß

Documentation and applications of a macroeconomic multi-country model

ISBN 978-3-643-90771-4
Band-Nr. 49
Jahr 2016
Seiten 256
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Osteuropa: Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Politik


The book describes a quarterly macroeconometric
multi-country model for Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Slovenia and Serbia. The model is tested by evaluating its
ability to reproduce the endogenous variables in an ex post
simulation. Furthermore, economic policy simulations are
performed to analyse (i) isolated vs. coordinated fiscal
policies, (ii) the future of the euro area and impacts on
Slovenia and Serbia, (iii) budgetary consolidation
strategies for Slovenia, (iv) how to cope with population
ageing, and (iv) impacts of Croatia’s EU accession.

Klaus Weyerstraß is senior researcher at the
Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna.