The pain of giftedness

ab 24,90 

Helga Thieroff

My son who was different

ISBN 978-3-643-91143-8
Band-Nr. 3
Jahr 2019
Seiten 120
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Hochbegabung: Biographisch

Artikelnummer: 978-3-643-91143-8 Kategorien: , ,


In this non-fictional biography, Helga Thieroff relates the
life of her gifted son Kai from his birth up until his
suicide at the age of 21. She not only gives a vivid account
of the various stages of Kai’s life from the perspective of
a mother who experiences a rollercoaster ride of emotions in
accompanying her child; she also describes the „different“
nature of gifted children and adolescents from a
professional viewpoint and outlines the problems and
misunderstandings these young people encounter at school and
in society at large.

Helga Thieroff studied educational science, psychology and
general linguistics in Bayreuth and Berlin. Motivated by her
experience with her own gifted son, she founded the
„Children’s Club“, the first preschool project for gifted
children in Berlin, in 1990. Since her move to
Rhineland-Palatinate in the mid-nineties, she has operated a
specialised psychological and educational practice for
gifted children. In 2000 she founded the „Children’s
College“ in Neuwied (Begabtenzentrum Rheinland-Pfalz), an
extracurricular support facility for gifted children and
adolescents, which she has since managed. Helga Thieroff was
awarded the Order of Merit with Ribbon of the Federal
Republic of Germany in 2011 for her longstanding commitment
to gifted people.

„We hope this book about Kai’s unusual life journey can
give orientation and help to other gifted young people who
are searching for their place in this world, and to their

(Prof. Franz J. Mönks)