Active Labour and Employment Policies in Africa (Vol. IV, 1994/95)

ab 45,90 

Frank Messner, Karl Wohlmuth (Hrsg.)

ISBN 978-3-8258-2150-1
Band-Nr. 4
Jahr 1996
Seiten 512
Bindung broschiert
Reihe African Development Perspectives Yearbook

Artikelnummer: 978-3-8258-2150-1 Kategorien: ,


This fourth volume of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook gives
a comprehensive account of the employment and labour situation in Africa
and presents a coherent strategy of employment creation and
alleviation. A broad concept of active labour and employment policies for
countries in sub-Saharan Africa is followed throughout this volume,
emphasising not only the importance of employment-friendly macroeconomic
and sectoral policies, but also the necessity of appropriate labour
policies with regard to labour institutions, labour relations and labor
conditions. In this context the new regional and international demands to
redesign structural adjustment policies and development co-operation in
order to lay greater emphasis on the employment issue are considered as
well. Finally, the potential conflict between employment generation and
environmental protection is examined and options for sustainable
development policies are discussed.

Karl Wohlmuth ist Professor für
Wirtschaftswissenschaft an der Universität Bremen.

Frank Messner ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Universität Bremen.