African Development Perspectives Yearbook

The African Development Perspectives Yearbook fills a gap in the literature on Africa’s development problems. Experts from African and international organisations, from universities and research institutions, from governmental and non-governmental organisations report on problems and solutions, on new policies, programmes, projections and visions, on new and ongoing projects in and for Africa. Various levels for action are of importance in this Yearbook – the international community in its relation to Africa, inter- and intraregional levels of African development, national and sectoral levels, but also local projects and development achievements. Africa’s development perspectives are therefore analysed and commented from the global to the local space, by reprinting important documents dealing with Africa’s development options, and by presenting analytical surveys and policy statements, country cases and declarations and programmes of international, regional, national and voluntary organisations. It is also the purpose of the Yearbook to establish a news-and-information network, and a forum for international communication on Africa’s development perspectives.

Herausgegeben von: Prof. Dr. Karl Wohlmuth
