The marginalisation of Africa with regard to international
trade, international investment, international technology
flows and international firm cooperation is the outcome of
historical factors, especially of the colonial period, but
also of the policies pursued after independence. Africa’s
marginalisation is also the result of highly inadequate
economic reforms during the 1980s that failed to stimulate
internationally competitive production of goods and services
in primary production, in manufacturing and in services.
Volume 8 of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook
focusses on the causes of Africa’s inadequate integration
into the world economy, and on the strategies to regain an
international status for Africa’s production and trade
sectors. Cases of successful integration of companies and
countries into the world market as well as lessons for a
better integration are the main thrust of the book. It is
now time to demonstrate that world market integration is in
reach for African producers, especially when considering the
rich history of trading within Africa and between Africa and
other world economic regions.
Content: Africa and Globalisation; Policies to Reintegrate
Africa into the World Economy; Country Cases of Africa
responding to Globalisation Trends; Globalisation and Gender
in Africa; Regional Development and Globalisation; News and