Private and Public Sectors: Towards a Balance


Karl Wohlmuth, Achim Gutowski, Tobias Knedlik, Mareike Meyn, Samuel Ngogang (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-8258-6807-9
Band-Nr. 10
Jahr 2004
Seiten 736
Bindung broschiert
Reihe African Development Perspectives Yearbook

Artikelnummer: 978-3-8258-6807-9 Kategorien: , ,


The African Development Perspectives Yearbook fills a gap in
the literature on Africa’s development problems. Experts
from African institutions and regional organisations, from
international organisations, from universities and research
institutions, from governmental and non-governmental
organisations, and from the donor community analyse issues
and report on problems and solutions, on new policies,
programmes, projections and visions, and on new and ongoing
projects in and for Africa. Various levels of action that
are relevant for Africa’s development are considered in this
Yearbook – the international community in its relation to
Africa, interregional and national issues of Africa’s
development, but also local projects and local development
achievements are documented.

Africa’s development perspectives are therefore analysed and
commented from the global to the local space, by presenting
analytical surveys and policy statements, declarations and
programmes of international, regional, national and
voluntary organisations. It is also the purpose of the
African Development Perspectives Yearbook to establish a
news-and-information network, a forum for international
communication on Africa’s development perspectives.

This volume X of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook on
analyses, policy-oriented papers, development projections,
and proposals for reforms with regard to the role of public
and private sectors in Africa. The balance between private
and public sector development in Africa is challenging due
to a rapidly changing international environment in the era
of globalisation. This Volume X of the Yearbook discusses
the role of the private sector, the functions of the private
sector institutions, the state of the privatisation
programmes, and the importance of a strengthening of public
policies, public infrastructures and public institutions in