Inter-American Perspectives.

The series explores interconnections between North, Central, and South American culture, literature, media, language, history, society, and politics. It examines the current intensification of transnational and global trends in the Americas as well as their historical development. Intercultural issues – along with their regional, national and hemispheric contexts – are of particular interest to this interdisciplinary forum. The series seeks to promote transnational approaches to the Americas or any of their parts and to stimulate Inter-American Perspectives / Perspectivas Interamericanas.

Contact Information and Submissions:
The series editors encourage the publication of monographs and volumes of essays (in English or in Spanish) with a transnational or intercultural focus. Please address your inquiries concerning manuscript submissions to or call 0201/183-3412.

Josef Raab (American Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen) and
Sebastian Thies (Latin American Studies and Media Studies, Bielefeld University)

Editorial Board:
Luzelena Gutiérrez de Velasco (Women’s Studies, Colegio de México),
María Herrera-Sobek (Chicana/o Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara),
Djelal Kadir (Comparative Literature, Penn State University),
Olaf Kaltmeier (Sociology, Bielefeld University),
Gary D. Keller (Latina/o Studies, Film Studies, and Art History, Arizona State Univ.),
Stefan Rinke (Latin American History, Free University of Berlin),
Alicia Ortega (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito)

Co-published with Bilingual Review Press/Editorial Bilingüe (Tempe, AZ/USA)
