Interdisziplinäre und theologische Studien - Interdisciplinary and Theological Studies

The aim of the Gesellschaft für Bildung und Forschung in Europa (GBFE; Society for Education and Research in Europe) is to do and to promote academic research within the interdisciplinary and international discourse. In this context, education understands theology as an action science; and theological research assessing all areas of life and explicitly transcending boundaries towards other scientific disciplines. This series is to publish research results from the GBFE context; i. e., collections of essays (e. g. results from a conference), monographs, or extraordinary dissertations etc.

herausgegeben im Auftrag der Gesellschaft für Bildung und Forschung in Europa (GBFE)
von Prof. Dr. Tobias Faix, Prof. Dr. Dr. Volker Kessler, Dr. Philipp Wenk

