Human Rights and the Mission of the Church in Nigeria

ab 24,90 

Paul Odoeme

ISBN 978-3-643-90199-6
Band-Nr. 46
Jahr 2012
Seiten 304
Bindung broschiert
Reihe Tübinger Perspektiven zur Pastoraltheologie und Religionspädagogik


The human rights question constitutes a vital link to the mission of the church. The church is thereby obliged by principles of the Gospel Mandate to defend, promote and protect Human Rights.

Using the Nigerian context as a model this work examines how the church exercises her mission towards salvaging the deplorable situation of human rights violations. She is accused of intrusive, ethnocentric and triumphalist tendencies in some of her methods and structures, which constantly expose her to steady allegations of human rights violations. This scenario evokes an in-depth investigation into the matter to ascertain extent of the church’s credibility and competence in the human rights question.

Paul Odoeme, a catholic priest, is currently pastorally engaged in the Seelsorgeeinheit Oberes Nagoltal, Germany.